Direct Voice article / Arthur Findley - on the edge of the etheric
On the edge of the etheric

Includes excellent evidence
of direct voice communication.
Anybody searching for answers to the direct voice phenomena should look no
further that 'On the edge of the etheric' by Arthur Findlay. This book contains
many conversations with guides who go on to describe exactly how the process is
achieved from their side of life and ours.
Arthur goes on to explain that the physical medium John C. Sloan who helped
create the conditions for guides and loved ones to materialise had an abundance
of the substance known as ectoplasm, this substance is borrowed from the medium
and other sitters to build enough matter for the spirits to manifest, this
substance is then returned to the sitters at the end of the
session. Chemists working in the spirit world mix the ectoplasm with
further finer substances, this is needed to build a facial mask that will
vibrate within the atoms of our physical plane. Spirit then merge their spirit
body's throat, tounge, mouth & lips with the mask which is fused
together to allow spirit to speak as they once did. With
the mask of extoplasm in place they can now achieve
communication by vibrating our atmosphere with their manifested vocal chords in
much the same way as we do now.
One of the remarkable things regarding the medium John C. Sloan was how
extremely humble he was. Had he been a more outgoing character he could have
been one of worlds most famous mediums, as it was, he was happy to use his gift
to help others without fame or fortune.
Ian Jones 04/10/2006
I have taken some of the questions raised by Arthur using direct
voice from his book 'On the edge of the etheric', there are many
more questions but these should give you
an understanding of what the book is about.
1.Here on earth we can only appreciate the physical, namely, the
earth, the sun and stars. What is contained in what we call space?
A.I can only answer you so far as my knowledge permits me.
Interpenetrating your world is another world of substance in a higher state of
vibration to the one you sense. The universe is one stupendous whole, but you
only appreciate what you see and hear and feel. Believe me, there are other
worlds of substance, finer than physical matter, in which life exists and of
which you on earth can form no conception. Connected with your earth is this
world to which I came after what you call death. Encircling your world are
planes of different density, and these move in rotation with the rotation of
the earth.
A.Yes, it is very real to us, but the conditions in which we find
ourselves depend on the condition of our mind. If we wish it we can be
surrounded by beautiful country, Our mind plays a large part in our life here.
Just as we live in surroundings suitable to our mental development, so we also
attract to ourselves minds of the same type as our own. Like attracts like in
this world. So also like attracts like so far as your world and our world are
concerned. The evil-minded here are attracted by the evil-minded in your world,
and the good here by the good with you. We can, at will, take on earth
conditions by lowering our vibrations. Our bodies become heavier and more
perceptible to the human eye, which accounts for our being seen at times by
those who have the faculty on earth of sensing our vibrations.
A.The higher and more developed we become the less are we in touch
with your world. The more development proceeds the less do we think of the
earth. It is all a question of desire. We can come into contact with the earth
conditions at will; if the will for doing so is absent then we do not return to
Think of a country-side with glens and hills. The rain falls, and
gradually trickles down into small streams, which streams gather volume until
they enter a brook, which brook in turn enters a river, which in turn enters a
larger river and sweeps onward to the sea. Each individual can be compared to
an atom in the raindrop. The atom retains form and individuality throughout the
whole course, from the hill to the sea, and even in the sea is does not lose
it's individuality. So with us, we move onwards and onwards, always retaining
our individuality until we merge into the sea of full understanding, when we
become part of the divinity.
A. Our world is not material, but it is real for all that, it is
tangible, composed of substance in much higher state of vibration than the
matter which makes up your world. Our minds can, therefore, play upon it in the
a different way than yours can on the material of your world. As our mind is,
so is our state. To the good their surroundings are beautiful, to the bad the
A.No, we do not live in a dream world. As I have said, we live in a
real tangible world, though the atoms composing it differ from the atoms which
made up your world. Our minds can act on this tangible substance in a way yours
cannot do on your world. You live in a world of slower vibrations.
A.Everyone does, you do and so do I, but if you mean can each of us
see and feel the same things, I answer, Yes. All in the same plane can sense
the same things. We have the same world as you have, but in a finer state.
A,Yes, of course we touch and feel and enjoy all the sensations you
A.Yes, we eat and drink, but it is not what you mean by eating and
drinking. To us it is a mental condition. We enjoy it mentally, not bodily as
you do.
A.I have a body which is a duplicate of what I had on earth, the same
hands, legs and feet, and they move the same as yours do. This etheric body I
had on earth interpenetrated the physical body. The etheric is the real body
and an exact duplicate of our earth body.
At death we just emerge from our flesh covering and continue our life in the
etheric world, functioning by means of the etheric body just as we functioned
on earth in the physical body. This etheric body is just as substantial to us
now, as the physical body was to us when we lived on earth. We have the same
sensations. When we touch an object we can feel it, when we look at something
we can see it. Though our bodies are not material, as you understand the word,
yet they have form and feature and expression. We move from place to place as
you do, but much more quickly than you can.
A.Certainly it is. You bring your mind over here with you. You leave
your physical brain on earth, Our mind here acts on our etheric brain and
through it on our etheric body, just as your physical brain acts on your
physical body.
A.All in the same plane can see and touch the same things. If we look
at a field, it is a field to all who look at it. Everything is the same to
those in the same condition of metal development. It is not a dream. Everything
is real to us. We can sit down together and enjoy each other's company just as
you can on earth. We have books and we can read them. We have the same feelings
as you have. We can have a long walk in the country, and meet a friend whom we
have not seen for a long time. We all smell the same aroma of the flowers and
the fields as you do. We gather the flowers as you do.
All is tangible, but in a higher degree of beauty than anything on earth. Here
we have no decay in flower or field as you have. Vegetable life just stops
growing and disappears. It dematerialises.
There is a similarity here to what you call death, We call it transition. In
time, as we develop sufficiently, we pass on to another plane from which it is
not so easy to come back to earth, This we call the second death. Those who
have passed through the second death can come back and visit us in our plane,
but we cannot go to them until we have passed through it also. This is what
your Bible calls the second death. Those who have passed through it do not
often come and speak do you directly by materialising, as I am doing now; but
they can pass their messages on to me, or someone in my plane, and we pass them
on to you.
A.The spheres nearest the earth do so because we belong to this
planet. We cannot see your world revolving in space, because we revolve with
you. We cannot see your world until we take on earth conditions. In taking
these on, we slow down our vibrations, and come through from one plane to
another, until we get our vibrations down more to a level with those of which
your world is composed. We can all come down, but we cannot go up beyond our
own plane until we are prepared for the change.
A. It would make no difference to us, our world is quite independent
in physical matter.
A.Now that is a question I find difficulty in answering. I have known
no one who has. I passed over many years ago, and I have round about me those
who lived thousands of years ago on earth. That is all I can say, because my
knowledge does not permit me to say more.
A.Yes, sir, most emphatically yes, they do survive. No life becomes
extinct, but they do not survive in the spirit world, as we term it. They have
a spirit world of their own making. They do not exist in a spirit world as man
exists. If, however, say a dog has affection for a human being it can get into
his or her surroundings if both have left your earth.
A.Something similar, but much more beautiful.
A.Yes, that i correct. Earth titles mean nothing to us. As soon as
those bearing them arrive here these prefixes are dropped, they are meaningless
to us.
A.Our houses are just as we care to make them. Your earth houses
first were conceived in your mind, and then physical matter was put together to
make them as your mind first saw them. Here we have the power to mould etheric
matter as we think. So our houses are also the products of our minds. We think
and we construct. It is a question of thought vibration, and so long as we
retain these vibrations we can hold the object, which during this time is
objective to our senses.
A.There are various earth languages spoken here, such as English,
French and German, but they are conveyed from mind to mind mentally.
Communication takes place mentally from one to another, not only by the spoken
word as on earth. This is just as if I were to say that the mind of the spirit
gets into telepathic touch with the mind with which he is communicating.
A.If we feel we want rest we can get subdued light; not so subdued as
you understand it, but sufficient to enable us to rest. We have no night here
as you would understand night. We get out light from the source of all light,
but I cannot continue further tonight as the power has gone, so good-night, and
may the light that lightens all darkness lead you into the light you are so
earnestly seeking.