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Chatter ,chatter and more chatter. ‘I have to make the tea’,’ I have to pick up my dry cleaning’, ‘got to finish the ironing’,’ to complete my assignment’,’ got to complete my project for work’ wonder who’s facebooked me, wonder if someone has emailed me? .........the list goes on and on. How do you stop the insentient thoughts that prevail in your head every second of every day? The only respite is sleep but even then sometimes we are jolted awake in the middle of the night working what the next day will bring.
How do we get ourselves to be silent?
In the world of constant 24 hour communication, it’s hard to find peace, to find a moment to relax and reflect, to just be. We have become communication junkies; we need a blackberry, an iPhone, a laptop, anything not to be on our own. Would it be scary if for one second people couldn’t get hold of us or we couldn’t log on and see the next status update on Facebook.
How would we survive if we didn’t have constant update on our apps on what the celebrities were doing? Could we possible carry on if we didn’t have angry birds or Tetris to keep us company on the train? We have become addicted to keeping in touch to having a constant bombardment of information. We are scared of sitting in silence, being on our own with our thoughts. We need constant stimulation, it’s no wonder that we find it difficult to relax, that we are on call 24 hours a day.
Who in life has 300 friends, only on Facebook right? And who in their right minds wants to know what these 300 people are doing at any one minute in the day? Are we really interested in a school friend that you knew 15 years ago has just eaten their third jam doughnut? Do you really want to see their photos of their weekend camping trip or the detail of their drinking session the night before? I for one would like to think I could use my tim
e more productively. I too however occasionally log in and cannot resist the lure of finding out what some I once met at a party is doing. Don’t get me wrong I think that social networking is a great tool and used in the right way can enhance one’s life but like everything else in life, in excess it can do more harm than good.
In a world obsessed with keeping every minute of every day occupied and entertained in some shape or form, no wonder it is difficult to find some time to sit to relax and to contemplate.
Meditation can be a great tool to use to quieten the mind and to reconnect to one’s higher self, to find peace in this fast paced world. It can be difficult to truly turn off and focus on having an empty and still mind. One way to make this process easier is through Mantra’s. Mantras are words which have a positive charge . This is charge has been established over thousands over years where the usage of the word has been used in prayer and in meditation. This energy is transferred over to words and symbols who pick up this polarity. As you can imagine , mantras are recited over and over again and all with good intention with the thoughts of peace and harmony. These repetition gives them a charge of positivity and when you used can help to not only still the mind but depending on which Mantra is used , can help clear negativity and your energy centres. Such a simple thing can have a huge impact on your wellbeing and state of mind.
All of this can help reduce stress, we all know what havoc stress can play on our body, stress is almost unavoidable in the modern day world we live in. But rather than accept that you can do something about it. Find time for yourself, get away from it all for a few minutes and switch off the world. It takes just take one simple word to do this OMmmmmmmm, go and try it what have you got to loose?
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