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Always imagine a white light surround you, and ground yourself. Imagine yourself sitting in a field the grass is bright and soft, lay down take in the sky & your surroundings, feel yourself sink slightly, let the green flow over you feel safe and warm, a spirit of someone you know or new to you will lay a transpart green cloth over you, take nice deep breaths in imagaine green flowing inside & outside of yourself, now see yourself standing up, you are drawn to the sound of a stream, walk towards it when you find the stream lay down in it, the water will not go over you face, let it flow over your body release any negative emotions, washing them away, again the spirit will lay a blue cloth over you, take deep breaths in and out taking in the colour blue, now move yourself back to the grass, everything is white take this in for a moment, then let a colour come to you it will be what you need, breath this new colour in.
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