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In Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy the Subconscious often speak about the power of love. They usually say how important it is to love ourselves first and listen to the inner voice. It indeed seems that many of us have forgotten how to love ourselves and sometimes fall into the habit of self-criticism.
In one such recent session, the Subconscious gave the person beautiful advice about self-love which was very wise and healing. As it happens during the session, the Subconscious figures out the best way to help the person and gives them just the right information.
This time the Subconscious wanted to let the client know that self-love is the key to all harmony and happiness. They explained that giving love to others is good but it has to start with the love for yourself.
“She [Kathy] should understand that love is first of all love towards the self. An empty jug cannot spill anything out. It is important to feel your emotions and forever respect them. Trust yourself and feel yourself in the first place. Don’t listen to others. You have to direct your attention inwards.”
The Subconscious explained that Kathy had an inner program of self-criticism which came from many previous lives and was enhanced in her current life childhood. “She has to let go of self-criticism. It is very important. This program is blocking her from further development.” The Subconscious said that the best way to let go of this program is to love and accept oneself in every situation no matter what you do. “She has to abandon this program. Even if she does something silly, it is a good thing as long as she accepts it. It is better than living a normal life and criticising and filtering yourself all the time. The healing will come through accepting all that she is and does.”
I found this advice very powerful for those of us who are used to self-criticism. How many times we scold ourselves for doing something or not doing something. It becomes a habit that doesn’t make us feel very good. Giving ourselves appreciation and support is a much more powerful thing, something that many of us come here to learn.
The Subconscious mentioned the importance of self-containment throughout the session. I asked what they meant by that. “When she accepts herself for what she is, beautiful or ugly, fat or thin. When she is based on her Higher Self, on her inner spiritual structures, not the physical ones. The physical ones will never be self-contained. It is only an armour. And the soul is perfect. You have to be based on your desires, not the desires of others. Feel and listen to yourself, not to others. Ask yourself questions, not others. Enjoy your company. Feel unity and love with yourself. This is self-containment.”
The Subconscious explained that self-containment is crucial for loving the self. When you love yourself the energy opens up. You don’t expect an answer from another person because it is not important. You just want to share the love that you are full of. You have to remember how to fill yourself in with love. Love yourself more, pamper yourself. Feel the inner child, live with emotions and happiness. The judgment of oneself and others blocks love and acceptance. You have to let it go with love and blessing. And don’t allow any thought of yourself in the negative. Look for positive in everything you do and always support yourself.
The Subconscious or the Higher Self is a wise and loving power that helps us along our path. They speak to us through intuition and our dreams delivering messages of guidance and support. In Quantum Healing Hypnosis this is the aspect that we contact and ask for advice and healing.
*Anonymous name was used for confidentiality reasons
*All information is shared with the permission of the client
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