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Our home is full of crystals. Crystal balls, crystal jewellery, crystal slices, crystal palmstones, crystal carvings, crystal books; you name it we have it!
I have spent hours looking at the different types of crystals; researching the popular to the obscure, and the properties, health benefits and spiritual history behind crystals. I have carried specific crystals with me and picked certain crystals to wear, depending on what I was doing that given day.
But do they actually do what they say on the tin or is it purely psychological? If I pick a ruby to wear is it my just my intention to feel uplifted and energetic, as I know that is what it should do, or does the crystal really induce the feelings all by itself?
A few months ago I visited our local crystal shop. I picked up a zebra (jasper) crystal and felt an immediate dislike to it; I quite literally threw it back down on the shelf. I spoke to a lady, who knows a lot about the crystalline structures, and she asked if I was anemic, which I am, and told me that it helps ease the symptoms! So, if the crystal is supposed to help why was I repulsed by it? I used to own a really pretty banded Carnelian crystal, which felt like a jumping bean when I held it. I say used to, as it has seemingly danced right out of my life!
I have also experienced crystal healing, in conjunction with Reiki. During the entire session I had my eyes closed. After the therapist placed the crystals on my Chakra points, the last one in the middle of my forehead, I could “see” a bright blue light in my mind’s eye. After the healing I asked her if she had used a blue crystal on my forehead. Indeed she had. A blue lapis lazuli – a stone very much revered by the ancient Egyptians, which reportedly enhances the psychic link and promotes truth. But was that just my intuition kicking, was the crystal helping or was it a lucky guess? I must say I did feel pretty chilled afterwards.
I have another quandary. Many crystal information websites carry a disclaimer stating the health benefits and indications, we know today, have come from historical records, passed down through the generations. They in no way claim the crystals cure or aid any ills. And yet I have known crystal healers, who are repeatedly booked by their clients, to spend thousands of pounds on their collections. They use their crystals for all manner of situations; from creating positive energies in the home to realigning an individuals emotional and physical wellbeing. The popularity has grown to such an extent that many state colleges, across the UK, are now offering crystal therapy courses, alongside other complementary therapy techniques.
It would be nice to know that they help. But so far, along with ghosts (which I do believe in) and the Loch Ness Monster (which is plausible), it has not been proven.
So, I put it to you. Is there something to this crystal thing or is it just the intention that “makes them work”?
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