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AKA Purple Plume Agate or Rutilated Agate.
This incredibly rare purple variety comes from Madagascar.
This particular Sagenite is Agate based, with prominent purple rutile’s of Lithium in it.
Characteristically, Sagenite contains needle like crystals of Goethite, Tourmaline, Stibnite, Asbestos, Hornblende, Actinolite or Epidot. To find some full of Lithium is exceptionally unusual and rare.
Sagenite has been given several different names over the years including Angelic hair or Cupid’s arrows.
Sagenite is a crystal often used by shamans as it is suggested that it can assist safe passage into other worlds or “

During “Soul Retrieval” it offers a strong protection. It is suggested that Sagenite is a crystal of truth, helping us to realise things about ourselves that need to change in order that we keep on the right pathway.
Sagenite is alleged to help you gain a better understanding during any difficult situations so you can act appropriately and resourcefully. It is also believed to alleviate feelings of depression and loneliness.
Purple Sagenite is a very gentle crystal, however, it also goes exceedingly deep, bringing a better understanding of ourselves, and those of others. A perfect crystal for spiritual self discovery and growth.
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