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Sue Hopkins
Theta DNA Healing is an extremely Powerful & Effective tool to facilitate the Instant Healing of DNA.
Theta DNA Healing is the practical application of ‘Quantum Mechanics’- though the healing methods & tools employed are extremely easy to use.
The practitioner enters Theta brainwave state & connects the Source Energy that exists beyond all realms of duality and seeming separation from Source.
With the consent of the client at each stage of the process, the practitioner becomes advocate, commanding healings to the DNA and facilitating the re-programming of it’s erroneous belief systems.
This process releases energetic resistance to healing & supports the DNA to restore it’s original ‘Divine Blueprint’.
The practitioner is witness to the change taking place to the DNA. In addition to the clients ‘experience’ of the healing, Kinesiology muscle testing is used before & after healings to anchor & evidence that change has taken place.
The collective consciousness of humanity, is NOW at a place where these teachings can be received by those who are open. Many sit on the Leading Edge of thought.
Individuals who know that we do indeed Create of our Own Reality… People riding the wave of awareness about Law Of Attraction & who want to work with it to reach potential for Wellbeing & Abundance… Seekers who are willing to undertake the Healing Journey & Healers who are willing to accompany them… Spiritual Teachers illuminating paths to consciousness… and Inspirers who are co-creating dreams coming true, uplifting & encouraging others do the same.
These pioneers are already functioning in a state of awareness of a new paradigm of potentiality.
There are also many limiting & life-negating beliefs in the collective consciousness that oppose this paradigm. Adopted & inherited beliefs such as “life is a struggle” or “To grow I have to suffer”, hold us apart from SELF REALISATION & empowerment.
Some will respond with incredulity at the prospect of Instant Healing. Understandable, when for so many - growth has been through adversity & struggle. Explicable when we realise that DNA holds an energetic memory of every emotion belonging to our biological parents and up to 7 generations of beliefs and energetic patterning of the ancestors!
To add to the mix – DNA holds the erroneous beliefs that we have learned about ourselves in this life and carry on a Soul level. In addition DNA is informed by our culture and the history of the land that we come from!
So it is understandable that the response to The

Everything Is Energy - Before It Is Matter
ta DNA Healing is sometimes “It can’t be that easy! – PLEAAASE don’t tell me it is THAT EASY!”. On face value Instant Healing seemingly negates the struggle our past experience, of the less pleasant processes that we have lived through & witnessed on our quest for wholeness. In essence it undermines our victim-hood.
Although Theta DNA Healing requires a shift of consciousness & re- investment in a new paradigm of Potentiality as opposed to Limitation, it does provide the resources to facilitate the process and the tools to ‘clean up’ the DNA matrix.
Teachings, Healings & Downloads to the DNA can provide the clarity & connection needed for the healing journey. With openness & dedication, we can reclaim the Wellbeing & Abundance, Creative Empowerment & Worthiness that is the Divine Blueprint of DNA.
So for those of you who have had enough of doing it the hard way, perhaps it’s time, to let go of the scripts & programmes that no longer serve you – especially in light of the fact that most of them were not yours to begin with!
In the knowledge that we are ALL Source Energy and that we ALL share the experience of absorbing the collective consciousness of our time & place, there is massive opportunity to stop judging ourselves and each other so harshly.
There is a tremendous potential for Self Realisation & Freedom
Sue Hopkins: Divine Blueprints
Personal Testimonial
“As a Holistic Therapist & Energy Worker across a number of disciplines, I was initially bemused by my attraction to do the training in Theta DNA Healing. Within the first 5 minutes of class however, I knew that my previous journey & quest to understand Energy Medicine, Healing & the
Nature of our human duality had prepared me for these teachings.”
The Theta DNA Practitioner supports the client to identify beliefs and issues in need of healing. With the help of intuition & in connection to Source Energy – guidance is offered for the direction of healings. In Theta DNA Healing classes individuals are empowered to use the technique on Self & Others.
Theta DNA Healing was founded by Vianna Stibal. Sue Hopkins is an Advanced Practitioner of Theta DNA Healing and has undertaken the Teacher Certificates for Theta DNA Healing 2, Advanced & Vianna’s Rainbow Children with Vianna Stibal.
For more information about Clinics, Treatments & Classes please contact;
Sue Hopkins 07525 922 049
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