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Satellite No. 3
Article from Inspires & Uplifts InnerSelf:
Your Holistic Community Guide in NSW
Volume 25 - Issue 1
‘’For many centuries Cosmic Intelligences such as Sri Krishna, the Lord Buddha and the Master Jesus, to name a few, have been visiting our planet to give of their Wisdom and Love and outline the divine Laws. Mankind as a whole has not followed the guidance that these Cosmic Masters have given and as a result, the world is in turmoil. In this modern age, prior to the prophecied New Age, the Cosmic Masters are more active than ever before. They have been coming to Earth in many craft for centuries but one in particular is a giant spacecraft called Satellite No. 3. This Satellite comes at certain times of the year and has been used as a floating temple to draw in the spiritual radiations from the Sun, condition them and then radiate these energies to Earth. The results of this activity by Satellite No. 3, enhances the effectiveness of all good spiritual acts performed by anyone by a factor of 3000 times. The times of orbit of Satellite No. 3 are called Magnetisation Periods or Spiritual Pushes and have been set for 1,000 years into the future. The Satellite comes into and leaves orbit at 12 midnight Greenwich Mean Time and remains in orbit for four set periods each year.
In conjunction with this important modern event we have the work of Dr. George King, the Founder/President of The Aetherius Society. He acted as a medium for many messages or transmissions of information from the Cosmic Masters, including the times of these orbits of Satellite No. 3. These messages contained valuable information that once again told mankind that he had to co-operate with the Divine Laws of God. There were many aspects that set Dr. King aside from other advanced individuals and one of them was the fact that he was a Radionic Scientist. He invented Radionic equipment that could draw in and condition the energies sent by the cosmic Masters, concentrating these even further and beaming these energies out to mankind. During these times, called Spiritual Pushes, many millions of hours of uplifting spiritual healing energy have been sent out to the world through originally two of these machines called Spiritual Energy Radiators or SER’s, for many years. A Cosmic Mission is where there is a special task involving direct co-operation between Cosmic Intelligences and their chosen agents on Earth. The name of the cosmic Mission that the SER’s run by is called Operation Space Power. So we have th

Dr. King with an SER
e SER’s and we have designated names of the Missions tat they run by. So now we will look at the Spiritual aspect of why they are operated.
The SER’s are run at the time that we requested and it is manipulated to areas stricken by floods, drought, fires, severe weather systems etc. We have also been given an idea of the amount of what we call Prayer Hour energy for this Mission and that for every hour of running time of our machines we send out 1500 Prayer Hours.
There have been numerous examples of where we have sent the energy to but we will look at a few examples that are related to just Australia. The energy sent to these situations was mainly from the SER in New Zealand but the first example was from the SER in Los Angeles. In April 2006 we were tracking Cyclone Monica across the ‘’top end’’ of Australia and as it was tracking across the Gulf of Carpentaria it increased in size to Cyclone Tracy (1974) proportions. We performed some runs rom our SER in Los Angeles and this is what the resulting news information reported a few days later from the EMA Disasters Database. It said:
Event Category: Cyclone
Event Start Date: 19/04/2006
Event End Date: 24/04/2006
Duration of Event: 5 day/s
Location: Zone Australia Wide Region NT-QLD
Human Casualties - People Killed: 0
People injured: 0
People Affected: 0
People Homeless: 0
Tropical Cyclone Monica crossed the Cape York Peninsula in QLD, just south of Lockhart River, as a category 3 cyclone at 3pm on 19th April. It tracked across the Peninsula and the Gulf of Carpentaria before crossing the Northern Territory coast near Maningrida on the evening of 24th April as a category 5 cyclone. The cyclone passed through Jabiru before quickly weakening to below cyclone intensity.
TC Monica crossed the Cape York Peninsula in a sparsely populated area causing minimal damage to housing but extensive damage to vegetation. The Lockhart River SES Local Controller stated that there was minimal damage to about 15 per cent of homes in the Lockhart River area.
So here we have just one example of a Cyclone the size of Tracy that after we had performed SER runs to it, diminished rapidly in size. Not only that, it saved many lives and a lot of damage. The above example was the start of many successful SER runs which are on-going to this day.’’
Rod & Megan Middleton are Staff Members of the Aetherius Society Brisbane Group, Australia.
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