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Medium psychic
clairvoyant & life and
soul coach, Beatrice Elder
We live in a society where individuals are not aware that their thoughts can have serious effects on their everyday lives. These past few months I have found myself reiterating about positive thoughts create positive outcomes.
I myself have had to change the way I approach everyday life. We place too much expectation on others, which can create a situation that becomes toxic because of feeling unloved and insecure. Insecurities have become a way of everyday life! How do we begin to feel secure? We must first deal with the issue at hand by changing the way we think about ourselves, focusing on our individuality, giving ourselves the love which we so richly deserve and only by doing so, can we begin to shift the negative energy from around us.
It is important that we understand what we as individuals are saying to one another, as this can create fear from being insecure. Too many times, we feel a certain way and the energy that we put into this feeling can create paranoia and negative thoughts. With this in mind, we need to look deep within us to ask the question why am I feeling this way, and what can I do to shift this energy? Start by changing your thoughts and remove any negative energy which you are harbouring. You may ask how you remove negative energy.
Firstly, begin by changing the way you think! Become more positive in yourself with the things you say and do. This will begin to shift your energy from negative to positive. In time you will notice peoples approach in a more positive manner and situations around you becomes much calmer and lighter. Anything before, that appeared and seemed like a problem becomes much easier to deal with.
You become more confident in yourself, and with this new found confidence, you feel uplifted and want to move mountains. Every thought you’ve ever had becomes stronger with positivity and you begin to view people and situations without being harsh and critical, but with more of an open mind.
It can sometimes prove difficult to break out of a negative cycle, you may have tried to be positive and something drags you back to negative thought patterns. In this case it might be advisable to seek outside help. This could come from a variety of sources including counselling, life coaching and healing. They are many types of healing that can help by removing negative energy from your energy fields, leaving you uplifted.
Positivity is the key in everything that we see, feel and think. The more people start to change the way they are thinking, the world will become a much better place for all of us to live in.
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