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Tiffany Wardle
A Guided Meditation Channeled To Me Through The Angels
If I told you that I could take you to a serene place without you leaving your chair you may sit up and take interest. If I said that there's a possibility that I could take you to a very beautiful scenic resort to help you find peace and inner happiness I think you may read on. This is part of the art of meditation.
There are many historic articles on meditation. Meditative roots travel back to ancient times. Speculative research suggests that primitive hunting societies may have discovered meditation while staring at the flames of their fires. By focusing on the flames and calming their minds, a higher state of consciousness was perhaps achieved.
Over thousands of years, meditation evolved into a structured practise. By meditating, we are encouraging the right side of the brain to help us become more still and calm and thus listening to our inner selves.
Meditation is part of my every day life. When I first started meditating I managed 5 minutes every morning; I now aim for 1 hour every day, listening to my inner thoughts and my higher self for guidance on what steps to take. Feedback I have had from my personal clients and pupils include feelings of happiness, inner peace and an inner knowing to trust oneself for guidance.
Meditations can focus on many different needs, today I am focusing on compassion. Here is a guided meditation I devised and one I often use that has lifted many people - please do come and join in!
Please sit comfortably with both feet on the floor, laying your hands in your lap with your palms upwards. Taking in 3 deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth - each breath deeper than the last.
Imagine you are standing at the mouth of a beautiful pink and purple cave. As you look into the cave you can see sparkles of pink and purple all around you. You somehow start to feel calm and you want to enter the cave. As you start to walk in you see a treasure chest in front of you . It is a large intriguing gold chest and you feel that it is inviting you to open it. In the chest you place any worries or daily chores that are in your mind, know that you will be coming back to these later but you do not need these now. Close the chest and make your way through the cave.
As you walk through the cave you realise that the walls of the cave are made of stunning crystals; you go to touch the wall to feel the crystals. They are pink and purple in colour. Examine the crystals now - what do they feels like? These are rose quartz and amethyst crystals. Feel the love and compassion coming from the crystalline walls of the cave and breathe it in now. Feel the loving compassionate energy as the crystal cave surrounds you.
As you walk through the cave, you can see a yellow crystal door and you decide to go through it feeling safe, warm and full of love. On the other side of the door you sense there is loving being there. Look at this now - this is an image of your higher self. Study this image, what does it look like? Is this a person? A symbol? An animal? A mythical creature? A version of you? Greet your higher self with love and thank them for being with you. Your higher self has a gift for you, the gift of compassion. This gift is for you and those around you. Stand in front of your higher self now and breathe in the gift of compassion. Focus on family, friends loved ones, or anyone with empathy, love, kindness and compassion. See their faces now, surround them in a blue light offering compassion and love to all you are thinking of.
As you breathe in and out deeply, know that you are releasing any tension or resentment you may be holding for those you are thinking of right now including yourself. Imagine your breath as a blue healing light, as you breathe out you are letting go of any tensions you may be carrying. Offer peace and blessings to those you are thinking of and thank your higher self for the gift of compassion.
Embrace your higher self and go back into the cave knowing that you can return here at any time.
As you return to the beautiful gold chest, you lift the lid but somehow your daily chores seem lighter. You somehow feel that you will be able to get through the day easily with a smile on your face.
Take a final look at the glistening pink and purple cave and feel the inner happiness inside knowing that you have received compassion for yourself and for those around you.
Head back to the entrance of the cave and feel the ground under your feet. Wiggle your toes and clench your fists. Take 3 short sharp breaths and come back into the room.
Thank you for joining me in my meditation of compassion.
Love and light
Tiffany Wardle x
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