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To many people, Spiritualism means one thing and one thing only -- talking to the so-called dead. I use the term "so-called" deliberately because all true spiritualists know that no one dies -- we all simply move on to the next world. However, this idea of communication with a loved one in the next world is the only interest that many people have in our religion. Unfortunately this idea is fostered and encouraged by TV programmes about mediums, by the numerous books written by mediums in which they relate all the evidence they have given out to clients over the years, and by the public meetings held around the country where a large entrance fee is paid by many in the hopes of receiving a "message." Those of us who attend local Spiritualist churches receive wonderful messages from our own local mediums and all for the cost of putting a donation into the collection plate!
Now to me the above has been blown out of all proportion. Yes, we do communicate with loved ones in the next world and yes we do obtain evidence of continued survival but this is not what the religion of Spiritualism is all about! It is only one part of our religion albeit a lovely one. Spiritualism to me is about far, far more than knowing that people live on in another dimension. It tells me why I was born into this world, what I am supposed to do while I am here and where I will go when my time on this earthplane is over. It gives reason and purpose to my existence and enables me to face trials and tribulations knowing they are all part of my education in the "School of Life." I know that before I came into this world I was offered a plan and a road map to follow and sadly, like others, I have strayed from the path. I think it is of vital importance that people understand the life they are living, that they take advantage of every opportunity life offers them knowing that at the end of their days their life will be "reviewed" and that the place reserved for them in the next world will be according to the life they have lived in this world. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the church you attend or which system of belief you follow.
All religions preach of the necessity of leading a good life,obeying God's Laws and following the teachings of inspired leaders (like Jesus). It is after this that the great divide between Spiritualism and other religions appears. Spiritualists know that they will have to answer for their sins when they arrive in the next world. Not for them the belief that someone else has already paid the price. Why oh why is this knowledge not emphasized and spoken about by our well-known mediums? Why do these TV programmes not open with a prayer, a hymn and a short address before they launch into "messages from the next world?" Why do we never see a Spiritualist Church featured on the BBC Songs of Praise?
All I ever seem to read about these days are "Trance Communications", "Ouija Boards", "Physical Mediumship involving ectoplasm" "Apports" etc. Now I known beyond any shadow of a doubt that my loved ones are in the next world. I have heard many, many evidiential messages from them over the years. I do not need this constant "proving of life after death" to be thrust at me from all sides. There is not one word about the importance to our immortal soul of living a good life. If this point was hammered home and everyone realised that they would have to pay the price of sin then perhaps the crime rate would drop. You may get away with something in this world but you won't in the next! If the knowledge that all earth's living creatures also have souls and are connected to God (not a sparrow shall fall) then perhaps it would put an end to the killing and expoitation of the animal kingdom. If the knowledge that we are all members of God's family -- one family -- then there would be no hatred of other races or cultures.
So -- come on all you Spiritualist mediums -- not only must you tell everyone that there is nothing to fear in death but you must spread the message of the importance of life in this world -- in the here and now. The importance of doing the best you can, wherever you are and whenever you are able. You must emphasize that life is a "School of Learning" and, if you don't pass its spiritual exams or make the grade, you will have to return to this world to re-sit them. Let's get back to basics and teach the Seven Principles of our religion.
1. Fatherhood of God. (One God for All)
2.Brotherhood of Man. (Sisters and Brothers all)
3. Communion of Spirits and the Ministry of Angels. (Help available from the next world)
4.Continuous Existence of the Human Soul. (You can't die)
5.Personal Responsibility. (No saviour God to pay the price of your sins)
6. Compensation and Retribution for all good and evil deeds. (What ye sow so shall ye also reap)
7.Eternal Progress open to every soul. (not just one chance to make it!)
Spiritualists -- God has given us a great task to do.Let us not fail him!
[If you would like to know more about my thoughts on Spiritualism then read my book "Why I am a Spiritualist." Visit my website]
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