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Sun setting over the Bay of Plenty.
Finding your own North Star.
For any one out there on their own spiritual discovery it can be different for everyone. It’s your own personal growth linked into beliefs, experiences and explorations.
The influences from other peoples views ideas and sometimes even musical, can start us on to that all important journey of self discovery the calling.
What I am attempting to suggest to others to do, is first for them to discover who they are. Before you start trying to work out what others want from you, expect from you, and need from you.
The whole person, what makes you tick, what are your strengths and weakness? What makes you react to some situations and ignore others?
Lots of self help groups, say self esteem and encouragement first needs to come from with in. The fear factor of taking that first steps to discovery often prevents many of you stepping out of your safety net.
This is linked not only to your spiritual pathway but also love, family and relationships.
People have different layers. Like Shrek said in his film Ogres are like Onions. Donkeys reply was they make you cry and stink. No! Was his reply Onions have layers? Well if it wasn’t completely correct you get my gist.
I am talking about the different aspects of us as humans and the faces of our mannerisms that we show different people.
Humour, Friendship, Emotions, annoyance, frustration, boredom, tolerance. Many more. To really be content we all must try and find a common ground to work from or in the end relationships fail, Jobs fold up and friendships dissolve.
There are no easy answers to life's plan we try to play by the rules that we have been taught by our parent’s elder’s teachers and society.
All of us know right from wrong. Yet often we fall by the way side thinking that the odd white lie wont hurt and that others can afford it.
We are learning to be parents, we are learning to be adults, we are learning to relate to others and to try and give rather than take.
Finding your own North Star is not just about travel or the like the perfect holiday. It’s about find you.
The journey through life that you can show others that there is more to this planet than we know.
That people where ever they come from are people. What ever colour, creed, religion, or race each of them has views, rights, opinions and ideas again its up to us to try to respect them even if we don’t always agree with them and to try to get on with each other.
Being a spiritual person is not just about religion or a belief. Its self knowing not just talking the talk or walking the walk. Its about sharing and listening to others. And in the words of a great poem.
Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.
Max Ehrmann c.1920
So keep searching the North Star is in all of us just waiting for us to take the leap to trust ourselves and from that any thing is possible just hold the dream.
Annielise Stone International Medium
Sunset over the Ocean in Perth OZ
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