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JOURNEY OF SOULS by Michael Newton.
To me, this book, and the research it describes, is like a lightning flash which destroys yet illuminates with light, truth which has been long hidden from humanity.
The field of human knowledge about the purpose of human life has been full of conflicting and muddled claims. Many religions have claimed to be the only true path to follow in this life so that a happy life beyond death can be achieved. On the other hand, sceptics claim that there is no afterlife, no supreme power and no purpose in human life – all is delusion!
I see many trees of knowledge in this muddled and foggy field. Hindu, Buddhist, Christian – those of Islam, Confucius and The Tao, etc. etc.. Some parts of all of these are struck by this stroke of lightning and destroyed, yet all are shown to be accurate in some areas.
For those, like myself, who have long been active in this field of discovery, much of what we have gleaned is confirmed, yet the new knowledge outlined here vastly extends the perspective within which we view life in the Cosmos. Above all, the bliss, the companionship and the joy of the afterlife, when it is reached, is seen to be more wonderful than we had dared to hope – happiness beyond our wildest dreams. Never before have we had such detailed accounts about what happened to each of us before we were conceived and what happens, again and again, after we die.
Where has Dr. Newton gathered all this information? He has a doctorate in Counselling, is a skilled therapist with special ability as a hypnotherapist, and also is a deep space astronomer. After leaving aside the practice of regressing patients into previous lives for many years, regarding it as unorthodox, and unclinical, he ventured into it tentatively, in order to try to cure a patient’s persistent pain. He then began to uncover from his patients, amazing accounts of their previous lives on earth. Later, he heard accounts of their experiences in the period between lives in the joyful spiritual world which some are understandably reluctant to leave, to undertake a fresh physical life on earth. Gradually refining his technique of hypnotism, he found that he could contact his patient’s sub conscious mind, where memories of past lives are stored, and also contact their super-conscious mind, where memories of the spirit world life are available, and can be described by hypnotised patients. The detailed self-assessment faced, and the skilled counselling received from more advanced souls, on returning from earth to the spirit world, are graphically described, as is the joyous reunion with ones loving group of friends and companions.
All that I have learned from over 700 recorded spirit communications through mediums is confirmed by this book, yet none of it came through a medium, and it extends our knowledge even further than before, and gives great detail about each stage.
I cannot do justice to this book, which has sold well over 250,000 copies already. I feel you must read it for yourself to appreciate the scope of the revelations it contains. It was said of the great scientist, Isaac Newton,
Nature and Nature’s laws were hid in night,
God said, ‘Let Newton be!’ and all was light.
I am inclined to say the same about Michael Newton’s work.
‘Journey of Souls’, is published by Llewellyn Press.
The ISBN is 1-56718-485-5 1994
‘Destiny of Souls’ is better still – more advanced and just as fascinating. Llewellyn Press.
ISBN 1-56718-499-5 3rd Edition 2001
Michael Evans.
Check out "Dead Rescue" by Michael Evans
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