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The smash hit film, “The Secret”, which sent a huge wave of energy through our global population, made the term “Law of Attraction” a household phrase. Since that time, the movie and the teachings of the Law of Attraction have come under scrutiny, being labeled as “money-making” hype. Nearly five years since its release, and after a period of global economic crisis, we are asking, “Are we any better off, as individuals or as a planet, for the message of “The Secret”?”
The Story of the Billboard and The Message We Might Have Missed
Imagine you pass a huge, imposing billboard every single day along your route to work. The billboard is an advertisement for a fitness center in your area. It depicts a fit, attractive person and the slogan reads, “Join This Gym and You’ll Be BUFF, Like Me!”
Any individual with even the slightest understanding of physical fitness will realize that there are several integral steps between first part - “Join This Gym” – and the second part - “You’ll Be BUFF”. First, the individual must go to the gym on a regular basis over a period of time. Second, upon arriving at the gym, the individual must get on the equipment and get sweaty every time s/he goes.
But beyond that, at a more fundamental level than these first two steps, and before a person even thinks about joining the gym, he or she should ask one crucial question: “Am I really committed to improving my level of physical fitness?” Without facing this crucial question, none of the rest matters much.
Of all the people who pass that advertisement every single day, the biggest majority will never join the gym, and the message will not even penetrate their consciousness. A portion will become enthusiastic at first and join the gym, but, not having made that vital commitment, will quickly forget those memberships and move on. Others yet will join with deliberate intention, but will become preoccupied by the distractions of life and will only ever achieve a mediocre level of fitness at best. A few individuals, however – a very few people – will join the gym and they actually will become fit.
The Story of the Sower Sowing Seeds
As I ponder the above analogy, a certain parable springs to mind, told by one of our greatest master teachers, Jesus Christ. He gave us the allegory of the sower who went out to sow seeds.
As the farmer flung the seeds to the ground, some fell by the wayside and were immediately devoured by birds. Some fell on stony earth where they were not able to take root. They sprang up initially, but were soon dried up by the sun because they had no foundation. Still other seeds fell among thorns where they began to grow, but were stifled by the forces in the environment. They were never able to blossom into their full potential. Some seeds, however, fell on rich, fertile soil and flourished into strong plants that bore fruit.
The question, “Are we better off, individually or collectively, for the message of “The Secret”?” is in fact inappropriate. The film is simply an advertisement – a billboard standing by the side of the road – hailing to each passer-by, reminding him that he could be empowered if he so choose. The commitment required is only implied.
The real question is: “What kind of ground or environment are you for those seeds?” Are you the wayside, the stony ground, the thorns or the rich, fertile soil? Fortunately, the choice is yours and yours alone.
The hidden message that the movie “The Secret” implies, but doesn’t state unequivocally, is that the Law of Attraction is, in fact, a spiritual journey. It takes a commitment. In my personal experience, this is inescapable. LOA is actually about a relationship – the alignment between you and your higher self (or God-self, or spirit, or Source or whatever you like to call it). And the truth is, this relationship of alignment IS the payoff! The outer manifestations are just the icing on the cake.
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