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You're a world-class sprinter, training for the Olympics, and you sprain your ankle. When do you do that - while you're sitting on your couch, watching television or while you're out on the track training? Silly question, really. Of course you'll more likely sprain your ankle while you're training, while you're trying to achieve your goal.
In the same way, when does your car break down - while it's sitting in the garage or while you're out driving it? Again, silly question - it usually breaks down while you're going somewhere in it.
So, why the silly questions? Simply that many people give up before their goal - before achieving a breakthrough - as they have a breakdown. So many people think that when something goes wrong, it's a sign that they're doing the wrong thing, and so they stop, just before their breakthrough.
If the Olympic sprinter has a "breakdown", a sprained ankle, what will they usually do? Yes, get up, hobble to the changing room and off to their physiotherapist to get the ankle working better. They'll do exercises for it, have more therapy and eventually, when it's mended, return to the track for more training.
If your car breaks down, do you throw it away and stop driving for the rest of your life? Of course not! You get a mechanic - an expert - to repair it. Then you continue driving till you get to your destination.
So, when a breakdown occurs in our lives, why do so many of us throw our dreams away and stop living fully? Instead of getting an expert to help us out, we give up and do something else, while our dream continues to nag us. And bitterness and a sense of failure set in.
The news of the day, people, is that a breakdown is NOT proof that you're doing something wrong.
A breakdown is proof that you're on your way to a breakthrough - you're almost there!
A breakdown means that you're off your couch, out of your garage, and going for it.
You see, for those of you who have seen "The Secret" will be wondering why life has taken on a sinister, sad or frustrating turn, since you have been setting bold, new goals and taking action towards them. You think, from the DVD or the book, that all you have to do is to create goals, imagine your future and do something about it … and it all just happens, POOF, just like that. The secret of The Secret - the bit they didn't tell you about - is that there's a middle-step on your way to those goals and "A Course In Miracles" tell us what it is:
In the search for anything - love, freedom, peace, abundance, etc - the first thing that happens is that the blocks to them will come up.
If you're searching for love, you'll first be shown all the blocks you have for love … and some quite unlovely things will happen. Relationships will usually become very uncomfortable and, when they do, it's your opportunity to recognise and release your blocks to love. If you cannot truly love yourself then others cannot. If you can't believe that you're deserving of amazing love, then you won't be. There are so many ways that we stop love coming to us, by our beliefs, attitudes and actions. And, if love still eludes you, there is probably something you're thinking that is blocking it.
If you set out to make a lot of money, you may, firstly, lose a lot. This is your opportunity to realise the blocks you have to having affluence and your attitudes to those who are wealthy. You cannot be wealthy while you hate wealthy people. You cannot become wealthy while you feel there is something wrong with having a lot of money and a huge income. Recognise your blocks to wealth, release them and you're on your way. And, if wealth still eludes you, there are further blocks to wealth to deal with.
So, when you have a breakdown, you now know that you're close to your intended breakthrough, to your dream coming true. What do you do with a breakdown? Four things:
1. Realise that you've had a breakdown - it's something you've had and NOT something you are.
2. Review the breakdown, objectively, and it will reveal what breakthrough it is connected with.
3. Thank the breakthrough for the insight it offers you and do something about it. Like the athlete and your car, you may need an "expert" to help you through the breakdown. This expert may be a friend, a professional or anyone who can see your situation more objectively and honestly than you can. This is where ruthlessly honest friends are particularly valuable!
4. Return to your vision, restate your goal and revitalise yourself - e.g. get out of frustration and return to knowing that you're on your way to a breakthrough.
5. Do something, anything! Nothing activates help from the universe more than your own action - if you sit and ponder, so will the universe. Obviously, doing something towards your goal is the best thing to do! Activate yourself and you reactivate your goal's achievement.
So, now that you know the secret behind the secret, what have you done to move through your latest breakdown? Yes, I mean now, right now. If not now, then when?
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