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One of the things I love is when I get a message from the Spirit World from another medium. I know I can tune in myself and get guidance or messages yet when I hear my loved ones speaking through someone else it’s like extra confirmation. It’s also lovely to receive more evidence that my loved ones are around me too. They pay attention to what is going in and can tell me what I have had happening. So I want to be able to offer as much information and evidence as I can in my messages. It makes the Spirit person ‘real’ to their loved one, especially when I can offer unusual information. That is why I have a passion for excellence in evidential mediumship.
I also love listening to mediums work to develop themselves. Many people attend Open Circles to practice connecting to the Spirit World and passing on messages. Tonight I was at the Open Circle at Wakefield SNU church to open the circle by doing the first few messages. Then it was my turn to sit down and have a message for myself. The medium made a great connection and gave evidence that I understood perfectly. I’m not an easy person to give a message to. I tend to close my aura down so that I can’t be ‘read’ psychically. My answers are very limited. I resist the urge to explain or offer information. I do these things because I want my messages to be from Spirit and for the medium who has given them to know that they have had a Spirit connection. It’s also nice to be able to give feedback to confirm what has been given in evidence. Especially if the evidence and message has been excellent.
Many people criticise mediums for cold reading or clever guessing. It is difficult to manage a message if someone is giving you too much of their personal info rather than letting you tell them what you are getting. However, mediums work hard not to ask questions, to only take yes or no answers and to ignore any body language. We would prefer to get the evidence direct from Spirit. And we look for evidence that is more out of the ordinary too. When you are able to ‘read’ someone’s aura energy there is always the possibility that the info you might get is what can be found in the aura of the person you are speaking to. This is definitely not a Spirit connection. It’s the connection all of us can use intuitively. So someone working towards excellence in their mediumship will take great care to close the intuitive human to human connection before opening the Spirit to medium connection.
That is what is exciting about developing your own intuitive connections. If you wish to move on to connecting with the Spirit World your Guides will show you ways of working more and more accurately. They want the same excellence so that the people getting messages feel the love and support of their loved ones even if we are temporarily in two different worlds. It’s about aiming high. The sky really is the limit. The more you ask for evidence the clearer it will come through. I have to say that I’m very lucky. I have had a passion (some would probably say an obsession, lol) for excellence all my adult life. When I found I was making connections to Energy Beings I decided that I wanted good quality, clear and precise evidence. That way I could be sure that I was connecting to a Spirit, that the message following up the evidence was clear and helpful and that I was doing the best I was capable of.
A long time ago, in another part of my life I read a book called A Passion For Excellence by Tom Peters and Nancy Austin. It was a book that pulled together the answers to many questions I had about leadership and management. It was also a book that echoed my old school motto of Aim High. Now more than ever, as the energy shifts and we are all being nudged ever more strongly towards our spiritual path I feel that a passion for excellence resonates once more. If we do the things that we care passionately about we will most likely have many attempts at prototypes. These will, in the end, if we keep aiming high, bring us to a place of excellence. Not to stand still. Not to rest on our laurels. We can share the passion, encourage the excellence and support those people still finding their path to their passion. I believe when we are aiming high we find the joy of spiritual service. This is a wonderful reward for all of our efforts and the motivation for finding the next passion that we want to develop.
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